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Impact Report 2024

Welcome to the refurbished revolution

Our 2024 Impact Report examines the environmental impact of our favorite pocket devices—the good, the bad, and the Back Market.

There’s no denying technology has changed
the way we live.

Nowadays, it’s standard practice to order a quattro formaggi pizza at the tap of a screen (extra anchovies please) or to pull up the latest 4K HD triple-lens camera with a single swipe.

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How smart is your smartphone?

Producing a new smartphone from scratch guzzles heaps of natural resources and spits out greenhouse gasses in the process.

How to build a smartphone (sources here):

Dig up 588 lbs of raw materials

Using invasive techniques like mining, blasting, and drilling.

Use 23,500 gallons of fresh water

That’s enough to get your recommended 8 glasses a day for 112 years.

Emit 185 lbs of CO2e

The equivalent of over 372 miles of driving.

Toss aside 7.05 oz of e-waste

That’s (probably) heavier than your smartphone.

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The digital industry is predicted to represent


of total global emissions

by 2040

(that’s more than the entire aviation industry.)

But there’s a better way.

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Compared to a brand new device, a refurbished smartphone uses

  • 91% decor Less raw materials
  • 86% decor Less water
  • 92% decor Less greenhouse gasses
  • 89% Less e-waste
    decor graph

If half the population opted for a refurbished device instead of buying brand new it would

Avoid the emissions
of more than

US tons of CO2e every year

Leave Mother Earth

with a lot more of her natural resources intact

This year marks
10 years of Back Market.

Since 2014 we’ve helped avoid 1.5 million US tons of carbon equivalent (CO2e) from entering our atmosphere by offering people a reliable alternative to buying
resource-guzzling new devices.

That’s the equivalent of more than

136,000 return flights from Paris to Sydney

Read more about our journey and the difference we’re making in our 2024 Impact Report.

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How smart is your smartphone?

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