Old devices still contain valuable raw materials. We make sure as many parts as possible are reused, or that the item is donated to a non-profit, if still functional.
Recycling partners immediately do a full factory reset (deleting all apps and data) upon receiving your device. So, be sure to back up your data before sending!
Find a sturdy box and use packing materials (bubble wrap, foam) to secure your item inside the box. Seal it with strong tape and stick the return label on top.
Recycling partners will assess your device. If it’s functional, it’ll be passed along to refurbishers, if not, it’ll be recycled for parts.
Wanna see if it’s worth some cash first?
Run your device through our Trade-in assessment and we’ll check for offers on it from our network of over 250 professional refurbishers. It takes 2 minutes!