Lifespan on Back Market: 3 years, 2 months

About the seller

VIP OUTLET was established to provide consumers the opportunity to benefit from amazing deals on: new, over-stocked, open-box, and refurbished products from the nations largest retailers and manufacturers. Retailers and manufacturers provide products directly to VIP OUTLET to leverage our extensive remarketing channels. Sealed product is instantly made available to you for immediate purchase. If products arrive as open box VIP OUTLET refurbishes products to ensure they function according to the original manufacture’s specifications. VIP OUTLET is North America’s largest refurbisher of Retailers’/Manufactures’ product; backing their work with a 90-day warranty to ensure a great user experience. Ten’s of thousands of high-demand consumer products across a variety of exciting categories including: electronics, housewares, domestics, tools, and toys just to name a few. Let’s not forget computers! VIPOUTLET’s strategic relationships allow you to access the best supply of computers in the nation.

  • EIN number:
  • SIRET N°: 1065678978
  • Legal address: goTRG, 20200 W Dixie Hwy,#1005, 33180, Miami, US
  • Seller's country of origin: United States